Zhuo Yao's Project Portfolio Page
Project: SWEe!
SWEe! is a desktop application used for managing CS2103T learning progress mainly through flashcards. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
Code contributed: RepoSense Link
Enhancements implemented:
- Refactor AddCommandParserTest and ParserUtilTest classes to support the testing of adding of flashcards #29
- Refactor ListCommand and ListCommandTest classes to list out all the flashcards #39
- Add FilterCommand to filter for flashcards
#41 &
- What it does: Allows the user to filter for flashcards according to category, rating and/or favourites status
- Justification: This allows the user to toggle through the flashcard deck to display flashcards of specific requirements to aid navigability and ease for revision during quiz mode
- Highlights: I have implemented the “and search” function to allow users to specify more than one filter attribute specification
- Add test cases for FilterCommand under FilterCommandTest #45
- Refactor FindCommand and FindCommandTest classes to support finding of flashcards #57
- Add tag feature in flashcards to support up to multiple tags on a flashcard #88
- Refactor LogicManagerTest, FilterCommandTest, FlashcardDeckParserTest, ModelManagerTest to ensure remaining test cases fully support the application #110
- Contributions to DG:
- Contributions to UG:
- Contributions to team-based tasks:
Review/mentoring contributions: